You’re ready for next level Clarity.
You’re ready for next level Living.
You’re ready for next level Embodiment.
You’re ready for next level Authority.
You’re ready for next level Results!
You don’t have to be a Master of Consistency to get amazing results from journaling.
You’re ready for next level Clarity.
You’re ready for next level Living.
You’re ready for next level Embodiment.
You’re ready for next level Authority.
You’re ready for next level Results!
You don’t have to be a Master of Consistency to get amazing results from journaling.
All you need is a simple process coupled with a supportive community to help you with the application.
Your next level life experience is as simple as taking 5 minutes, most days, to follow an easy 3-Step Method that helps you get C.L.E.A.R.
Once you get C.L.E.A.R. on YOUR truth and start taking aligned action…that’s when the game changes.
I’ve taught thousands of people how to use their journal to get more clarity, create real results and upgrade to their next level life experience.

I’ve even been invited to teach my signature Faith Activated Journal Method at the University of Albany and the New York State Writers Institute.
Simply put, I am THE expert when it comes to journaling and getting the best possible results from your practice.
When you become a member of The Faith Activated Experience, myself and my team of coaches show you how to do the work and support you as you do it throughout the rest of this year.
We’ve distilled down the process into a simple framework that will help you overcome the most common, challenging obstacles:
Learn the process + get into the most supportive environment that will help you manifest more freedom, gain more clarity, and earn more money.
The bite sized lessons inside Faith Activated have been carefully curated to address and overcome every one of those challenges (quickly).
These new methods of thinking and skills you’ll learn from the lessons will make you more aware of your internal truth, take more aligned action and experience greater self-confidence. You’ll start to take more fulfilling actions that lead to the absolute best results in your life.
These are all real results shared by real members of Faith Activated.
You’ll learn exactly HOW to do the same inside Faith Activated.

You may have joined other coaching programs in the past that didn’t generate the results you were hoping for and now you’re wondering if this will be more of that.
It won’t.
That’s because every single month inside The Faith Activated Experience we provide you with (8) different opportunities to get on a call with myself or one of our coaches and do the work.
All you need to do is decide.
If making decisions has been agonizing for you in the past, then The Faith Activated Experience is the perfect group coaching setting to become the best decision maker you know.
But first… who is this for?
While I both believe and know that journaling can help everyone, I don’t want just anyone to partake in this experience.
This is a special group, exclusive only for the individual who is ready to show up for themselves and our incredibly tight-knit community.
Is that you?
We’re for you if…
You’re an entrepreneur (or you have the entrepreneurial spirit) and you want to be in community with other high vibe people who love talking about making impact and making lots of money.
You’re excited about the possibilities journaling has for your future and are ready to make this practice a lifelong habit.
You’re not offended by the use of the words God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit; or me occasionally praying for the group. (Note: You don’t have to be a Christian, but you are ok with us referencing God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, etc).
You are a woman or you want to be in a community with powerful, loving, supportive woman. (men, non-binary, LGBTQ all welcome)
You’re open, honest, and coachable.
You are 100% unavailable for low frequency emotions like fear, restriction, lack, envy, resentment, blame, shame or guilt. You understand that maintaining high vibes is part of manifesting and you do your best to stay in flow. (Faith Activated can and will help you master staying in flow)
You want a major ‘glow up’ and life upgrade; the kind that attracts invitations to join the table with other power players you admire.
You value community and even though you may have been a lurker in other groups, you are committed to being a leader, conversation starter, and active participant in the experience.
You welcome diversity and have pledged to be an anti-racist.
You want to manifest more so you can do more good things in the world.
If that’s you, you’ll absolutely love the Faith Activated Experience and I’d be honored to have you!
70% Manifest
Within the first 30 days of joining Faith Activated, 70% of our members reported manifesting a win. Imagine what you might manifest within the first 30 days (and beyond)!
82% Return
82% of Faith Activated members return for a second or more year.
The community, clarity, breakthroughs, and results keep our members coming back year after year.

You may have tried journaling before and found that it “didn’t work.”
This is why…
Most people approach their journal like a diary; keeping a record of what happened during the day, but not really setting any intention for the future. Does that sound familiar?
Maybe you’ve used your journal to jot down ideas or keep your to-do list. You might even use your journal to write down a few points of gratitude.
But what you really need in order to manifest, is an intentional practice that helps you break through limiting beliefs and allows you to create and experience a new way of living.
The Faith Activated Experience isn’t just about journaling!
Faith Activated is NOT just a group coaching program. It’s a full on community experience.
Using my signature C.L.E.A.R. Coaching Framework along with the 3-Step Faith Activated Journal Method, you will have support, guidance and STRUCTURE to help you get to your next level of faith, worth and wealth!
Connect to Your Truth
During the first phase of The Faith Activated Experience you’ll learn how to get connected to YOUR truth. This is about learning exactly what you want, why you want it and what’s been stopping you from getting to your next level.
You’ll identify the gaps in your goals, discover where you’re out of integrity with yourself and others (FYI this is a major reason why you might be in a plateau) and get super clear on how you’re going to move forward.
Live with Intention
It sounds cliche but this step in our work together is incredibly powerful because it’s what will take you off of autopilot and soaring to new heights in life and business.
When we work on this phase together, you start to experience more joy, more peace, and more fulfillment with where you are right now while also taking the necessary actions steps to receive the abundance that the next version of you is ready to receive.
Embody the Identity
Embodiment is an absolute requirement for long-term stability of the manifestations you desire to receive. The problem is that most people don’t understand how to “embody” their work, their truth, their vision.
The Faith Activated Experience will completely change the game for you in this phase. You’ll develop new, powerful (and healthy) daily habits, we’ll talk about you profit plan because money provides options and we’ll also make sure you’ve created the space for consistent, aligned revenue and overflow.
Affirm your Authority
You want. more financial abundance, right? You want to have extra money in your bank account and have more freedom to come and go as you choose, right?
Well then you must affirm your authority!
What has gotten you up to the, to the level where you are right now is not what's gonna get you past this plateau. This is your season to OWN your brilliance and TELL everyone about it.
You might be thinking, “I've been doing this for so long, why do I have to prove myself? Why do I have to sell? Why can't they just already see that? I'm tired of showing up. Why don't they already know who I am and how amazing I am?
But what’s more than likely happened is that you’ve dabbled in so many things that people aren’t really sure what you do or how you can help THEM, specifically.
The truth is - In order to manifest the faith, worth and wealth you desire, you’re really going to have to plant your flag and take ownership around your expertise. It's time for you to realize that it is safe and necessary for you to be seen as the expert.
This phase will challenge you to dig deep, but once you do —- watch out, world!
Refine + Repeat until Manifestation
Refinement will be part of the journey every single week. After all, repetition is the key to mastery.
Each week you’ll record an account of your action steps. What worked, what didn’t? What does the data say?
Where you in alignment?
Did you anchor into your values?
Were you the leading expert?
This is just an overview of my proprietary C.L.E.A.R. Coaching Framework. It’s so much deeper than that and when you combine this with the 3-Step Faith Activated Journal Method, the results are unparalleled.
This isn’t your average online course.
In fact, it’s not a course at all, although there is a guiding framework.
This is a carefully curated process that incorporates the best of neuroscience coaching, business principles and rapid resolution therapy techniques to help you clear your blocks, embody your truth values + vision, take aligned action and repeat until you see the manifestation of your next, high vibe moment in life.
“The Faith Activated Experience is a spiritual prescription that you didn’t know your soul needed.” - Marsha Sherrill
This is how you start manifesting your desires in just 5 minutes a day.
Access, coaching & direct support
from Rachel Luna (Faith Activated creator, Master Certified Coach). Coaching with Rachel 1:1 is a minimum $15,000 investment and her group mastermind starts at $10,000. By becoming a member of The Faith Activated Experience, you’re getting access and coaching with a Master Certified Neuroscience coach every single month for a fraction of the cost.
You’ll also be supported by our Faith Activated Community Coaches. Each of our coaches has been personally vetted by Rachel Luna and are powerful coaches who are excited to support you on the journey.
Community & Connection
Our members or active, kind, compassionate, and supportive. We show up for one another and hold each other accountable. You can sit with us. And p.s. we are a diverse group of anti-racists. We don’t tolerate racism and we have created a safe space to encourage healing and unifying conversations.
Breakthroughs, transformation & Manifestation
You might be tempted to think Faith Activated is “just journaling” but it is SO much more. What you get from journaling and being part of this experience transcends into your business, relationships and overall life experience.
If you want a business breakthrough, transformation in your personal relationships and to see your greatest dreams manifest into reality, then Faith Activated is for YOU!
In these 4 short, but powerful lessons you will:
Learn the exact step-by-step, proven method that transforms an ordinary journal entry into a powerful tool to manifest your dream life into reality.
Discover the important distinctions between Doing, Being, Knowing, and Believing which will allow you to upgrade in every single area of your life.
Identify the common pitfalls that may occur as you begin your journaling practice and how to avoid them so that every time you put pen to paper you experience a powerful shift.
Learn how resistance shows up in your life and how to move through the blocks that have been stopping you from getting to your next level.
Learn how to make journaling a lasting, consistent practice in your life.
Finally be able to set aside guilt-free time for journaling.
And so much more! These 4 lessons will completely change your entire journaling experience.
Each month there’s a new theme and fresh new prompts are uploaded every Monday Morning inside our Circle Community. We also have a text messaging feature for members in the U.S. to have the prompts sent out each day.
These prompts have been carefully curated to help you:
have a clear, guided prompt each day to help you journal effectively and efficiently so that you can stay focused, clear and in action.
identify the nails in your life - the ones holding you up as well as the ones keeping you nailed down
unlock new, highly profitable ideas and biz strategies that have been lying dormant in your unconscious
discover the beliefs that have gotten you to this point in life but are no longer serving you
manifest the most amazing results that you can’t even yet imagine
Be able to dig deep into your soul, connect with your purpose and breakthrough mindset blocks that have been keeping you stuck - no more staring at a blank page or wasting time writing in a journal that leads to no real results.
Every single month you get the opportunity to join us for (8) LIVE coaching calls where you’ll be invited to bring forth any questions you have. Not necessarily journal-specific, you’re invited to show up and get whatever coaching and support you need. This is your time.
Brave ones are invited to step into the hot seat and participate in a laser coaching session with Rachel or one of our Faith Activated Community coaches, where you get to take control of your life, circumstances and situation and get a breakthrough right in the moment.
We also have one week per month where we journal together as a community for 5 days a week!
Our members absolutely LOVE these coaching calls whether they are getting coached or simply listening to others get coached, there’s so much value in every single one. And don’t worry, if you can’t attend live not only are you invited to submit your question in advance, but you’ll also get access to the recordings.
The Faith Activated Experience is your experience. You get to make it whatever you need it to be, and we’ll be there to support you every step of the way.
As a member of The Faith Activated Experience you’ll also get exclusive, private access to our Circle community (mobile + desktop) where you’ll be able to connect, create, and collaborate with other Faith Activators just like you from all over the globe.
We're deliberately not using Facebook for our community because the last thing you need is another reason to sign into Facebook where you'll likely be distracted from the needle-moving activities (like journaling) that will get you going in the right direction towards your financial freedom.
Our members are some of the kindness, most loving, vulnerable, non-judgmental people on the planet and you’re going to feel supported, seen and heard the moment you step in and make your presence known in the group.
Journaling can be a challenge even for the most seasoned, experienced journaler. That’s where having our private group really helps make an impact.
Imagine you’re feeling stuck over a prompt, not sure how to answer the question, and perhaps a bit scared to really go that deep…
Having the support of a group like ours to share their own journal responses to the prompts, or give you a word of encouragement is vital. Whether you need an example, an inspiring word or just want to know you’re not alone in this world, we’ve got your back inside our private group.
Every last Sunday of the month the members of the Faith Activated Coaching Experience get together for a planning session. These sessions vary each month and sometimes focus on weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual planning for life, business, content, health and more!
THIS Workshop is an absolute game-changer if you’ve struggled to put together a plan that actually works.
In this training we cover:
How to Define Your Strategic Vision
The 12 Week Goal Setting System
REAL Workshopping time so you GET IT DONE.
Possible Setbacks
Money Tracking Strategies for a Financially Abundant Quarter
How to Instill Faith into your Vision
and more!!
This workshop is a fan favorite among our Faith Activated members and I know you’ll love it too!
Tired of procrastinating, being a planner junkie, or "going-with-the-flow" but not having the productivity & results you desire?
This training is specifically for you if your main struggle with journaling is “not having time.” Get ready to activate your time & schedule for success!
“Hilarious comment from my husband yesterday… ‘whatever conjuring you’re doing at the moment is working because whenever I’m stressed about money, you seem to magically make more appear!!!!’ Yahhhhhssss!!!!”
“I’ve read all kinds of manifestation books, been part of more online programs than I can count, listened to dozens of podcast episodes, and the one thing that has made a difference more than all the others has been JOURNALING. I’ve already seen massive results!”
“After 7 years of driving 1.5 hours one way to work, my husband has been given the option to work from home a couple of hours each week. Additionally, he’s taking a more active role in the business and helping me with managing the logistics. I’m so grateful at more proof that this journaling is shifting the atmostphere.

Faith Activated is a very special experience where you will:
Stop idly filling pages of journals with words that don’t do anything but waste your time and ink.
Learn how to overcome resistance so that you actually do the things you say you’re going to do without hesitation, doubt or fear.
Discover who you are, what you were meant to do in this world, and how you need to be in order to manifest your desires.
Learn exactly how you can have a powerful shift in just 5 minutes each day.
Develop a hunger and thirst for developing a relationship with yourself and God, because what you may not realize is that one critical component of your manifesting experience is developing intimacy with YOURSELF.
Get real, practical journal prompts to completely change your relationship with money and improve your current financial situation.
Have a community of supporting people who are sharing their best journaling & manifestation practices with you and are even journaling on your behalf because they believe in your ambitions and your dreams.
Get monthly group coaching from one of the best coaches in the industry, who has a proven track record of results.
Keep wasting time filling pages with to-do notes and goals and dreams that never get fulfilled.
Activate your faith right now and spend just 5 minutes a day manifesting more this year than you have in your entire lifetime, and creating a life that feels joyful, peaceful and full of true happiness.
Your enrollment fee is $997.
$175.00 Today Then 7 Payments of $175.00 Monthly
* This is not a month-to-month membership; you are responsible for all installments..
I promise that if you dedicate just 5 minutes a day to journaling, following the format I teach you inside The Faith Activated Core, you will experience breakthroughs and see results.
My team and I are committed to help you experience everything we promise, which is why we have a STRICT NO REFUND POLICY.
One of the reasons you haven’t manifested the things you desire is because you’ve gotten used to “switching gears” AKA GIVING UP way too soon. Not on my watch, baby! You are welcomed and encouraged to post in our Slack community at any time for my team and I to help guide you through every single prompt to help you get the breakthroughs you’ve been craving.

The best option!
Includes Bonus New Member Welcome Call with Rachel!
$175 today then 6 additional payments of $175monthly.

Journaling isn’t a chore; it’s a gift that you get to experience every single day. Opening that gift allows you to discover a new and exciting treasure that’s been hiding inside your soul.
Your Questions, Answered
I want to learn how to journal, but I’m not interested in the God-aspect of Faith Activated. Should I still join?
If you’re not interested in building a relationship with God, you’re still welcome to join Faith Activated Experience and simply skip out on the weekly devotionals. You’ll still get access to all the journal prompts which are designed to help you truly MANIFEST more in your life and are focused exclusively on YOU, your mindset, your life and your success.
When do we begin?
As soon as you become a member you'll be taken to a confirmation page with a welcome video and your next steps. Please bookmark the page and take the time to watch the videos. You’ll also receive a confirmation email with an invitation to join our Slack community. Shortly thereafter you'll receive an email with your member's portal login information and access to The Core, prompt PDFs and more!
How much time will this take?
That's all on you. If you're someone who REALLY struggles to set time aside, the Bending Time Bonus will give you tips and techniques to overcome that. And if you REALLY, REALLY don't have time, then I suggest you simply set aside 5 minutes per day to write one to two sentences and slowly build your way up from that. You call the shots. This is YOUR experience. I'm just here to provide steps, inspiration, and encouragement. Ultimately, YOU get to decide what you want, how you want, and when you want!
What if I’m new to journaling?
Welcome and congratulations! The fact that you want to start incorporating this powerful process into your life tells me that you're a superstar on the rising and this experience will only help brighten your shine. I'll be guiding you every step of the way with your prompts, so simply relax, sit back and enjoy the writing process And p.s. There's no right or wrong way - I promise you can't and won't mess this up (unless you don't show up, in which case there's nothing I can do to help you there, friend).
I’ve been journaling for year, how will this help me?
Well, hey there fellow journal lover, you're in great company (wink, wink). Chances are you will know most or all of the tips and techniques I share throughout the experience, but I know that when we're used to doing something at times the practice can feel stale or mechanical. This experience will be an opportunity for you to challenge and stretch yourself - maybe set a goal to manifest more than you ever have before or perhaps try a different journaling technique you've avoided in the past. When you become a member of the Faith Activated Journal Experience, you'll get to show up at a higher level and get the confirmation that you know exactly what you're doing and everything you want is already in your life! Kudos to you, gorgeous!
What should I do if I don’t receive an email or login details?
Great question! There are 3 reasons why you may not receive your welcome email and login credentials: 1. You’ve enrolled with PayPal but your PayPal email isn’t the email you use for daily mail. If you pay with PayPal, please check the email account tied to your PayPal account for an email from me.If it’s not there or in your spam folder, please email our team at and they will get you set up. 2. You’ve previously subscribed to my list and unsubscribed at some point. Our email provider, Active Campaign, is very strict about not sending emails to anyone who has ever unsubscribed.Even if you enroll in Faith Activated, Active Campaign has still tagged you as someone who doesn’t want to hear from me.It’s an easy fix! Just email our team at from your preferred email address and we will send you a re-confirmation email.Once you open and click the link in that email, that will let our service provider know that you’ve given us permission to email you. 3. The welcome email and login credentials are sitting in your spam folder. Please check all folders and if it’s still not there, just email us at We are here to support you!
What is your refund policy?
First of all, the only people who ever ask for refunds are those who don't do the work, and FYI - not doing the work isn’t an option. Second of all, we don’t do refunds. But, if for some reason you do the work and still feel like you didn't experience clarity, breakthrough or aha moments, simply send us your 30 days of journal entries completed and we will cancel your membership without refunding any monies. I make it hard because I want you to DO THE WORK and get the breakthroughs. I have yet to have anyone in our journaling experiment tell me they didn't experience a shift from taking at least 5 minutes to write an entry. I promise, you will see results if you show up.